A breast lump is a characteristic swelling or bulged mass in the breast that can be easily noticed by the patient and the general physician. Breast lumps can be benign (non-cancerous) or malignant (cancerous). Benign breast lumps are more common than malignant ones and are usually not a cause for concern. However, any breast lump should be evaluated by a healthcare professional to rule out the possibility of cancer.

Breast lumps can be caused by a variety of factors, including hormonal changes, infections, cysts, and tumors. It is important for individuals to perform regular breast self-exams and to report any changes in the breast tissue to a healthcare professional. Early detection and treatment of breast lumps can improve the chances of successful treatment and improve overall outcomes.

what is breast lump


Cancerous breast lumps

The type of breast lump that is often painless, with tough surroundings and irregular shape.

Non-cancerous breast lumps

Breast cysts - A type of breast lump that is soft and filled with fluid Fibroadenoma - the most common type of benign breast lump that occurs in women



  • Cysts
  • Fibroadenoma
  • fat necrosis
  • Infection
  • Trauma
  • Fibrocystic breasts
  • Breast cancer


A breast lump is formed due to the accumulation of infectious fluid in the breast tissues. It may cause inflammation, pain, and swelling in the breast tissues. Hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, and menopause can cause the breast tissue to become more dense or lumpy, leading to the formation of breast lumps. Fibroadenomas are benign tumors that can develop in the breast tissue. Infections, such as mastitis, can cause breast lumps. Mastitis is an infection of the breast tissue that can occur during breastfeeding.


  • Swelling
  • Pain in the bulged mass
  • Red or pale skin
  • Abnormal discharge
breast lump symptoms


  • Physical examination
  • Mammogram
  • Breast ultrasound
  • Breast biopsy
  • MRI 
  • CT scan

Apply an ice pack or warm compress as advised by a doctor
Wear an appropriate-fit bra
Avoid caffeine
Avoid fatty foods



Antibiotics: Antibiotics are prescribed by the doctors in case of any bacterial infection in the braest lump

NSAIDs (Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) : NSAIDs like ibuprofen are helpful in managing pain in the breast lump.

If the breast lump is found to be cancerous, the following treatments are recommended:

Chemotherapy : The treatment strategy that uses drugs in order to kill cancerous cells

Radiation therapy : The treatment strategy that uses rays that can kill malignant cells.


The surgical treatment of breast lump is recommended if the lump grows or there is a change in appearance.

Lumpectomy (or breast excisional surgery): The surgical procedure of removing the breast lump or other tissue around the breast. It is a day care procedure wherein the women who undergoes lumpectomy can go home the same day after the procedure.


Factors that increases the risk of developing breast lumps are:

  1. Puberty 
  2. Menopause
  3. Breast cancer history
  4. Ovarian cancer 

breast lump risks and complications


If the benign breast lumps are left untreated, they may develop into cancerous lumps. The cancerous lumps may spread to other body parts (metastasize), increasing health complications. 


The average cost of breast lump excision surgery to treat breast lump is ₹30,000 - ₹40,000. The cost varies on the type of surgical procedure, hospital facilities, and cities. 

Financial Options

No Cost EMI



breast lump treatment cost


Health insurance coverage for breast lumps may vary depending on the specific plan and policy. Generally, insurance plans will cover diagnostic tests, such as mammograms, ultrasounds, and biopsies, as well as any necessary surgical or medical treatments, such as lumpectomy or mastectomy. 

However, it is important to check with the insurance provider to determine the specific coverage and any potential out-of-pocket expenses, deductibles, or copayments. It is also important to note that pre-existing conditions or prior breast cancer diagnoses may impact coverage and may require additional documentation or approval from the insurance provider.

breast lump treatment insurance plan

Know more about Breast lumps

A breast lump is a mass or swelling in the breast tissue that feels different from the surrounding tissue. Breast lumps can be caused by a variety of factors, including hormonal changes, infections, cysts, and tumors.

Breast lumps can be benign (non-cancerous) or malignant (cancerous). Benign breast lumps are more common than malignant ones and are usually not a cause for concern. However, any breast lump should be evaluated by a healthcare professional to rule out the possibility of cancer.

Treatment for a breast lump depends on the underlying cause. If the lump is benign, treatment may not be necessary, although monitoring the lump with regular check-ups may be recommended. If the lump is cancerous, treatment options may include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, or hormone therapy.

Having concerns about breast lumps and looking for the Best Doctors or surgeons. Sit back & Relax as Glamyo Health has got you covered! Glamyo Health is a healthcare brand operating in almost all elective and cosmetic surgeries, with a chain of hospitals and clinics operating in 40+ cities. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Some breast lumps are risky for the breasts because these can be tumour growth of fat cells. You can self test them simply by observing the change in the shape of your breast, if it is becoming irregularly shaped, if you feel that lump hard but painless.

You might feel a lump in your breast, but most of the time it is normal to have a lump in the initial stages of breast development, it points out that the breasts are not fully developed and are yet to develop completely.

A breast cancer lump feels like painless lumpy and bumpy tissue. It can be felt as a shelf under the skin.

The 5 warning signs of breast cancer are, Hard lump in the armpit or under the skin of the breast Irregular shape of breast Swelling or a part is more thickened of one breast Breast skin itchy or irritating Redness near the lump or orange like texture over the skin surface of the breast.

No, breast lumps that are cancerous do not go away on their own. You will need treatment to remove the tumours or fluid filled cysts .

Some breast lumps are painless but some are painful to touch or as they grow they cause pain.

Cancerous lumps may or may not move, depending on their location and size.

Breast lumps can be serious and require medical attention, but not all breast lumps are cancerous.

Treatment for breast lumps depends on the underlying cause and may include medication, surgery, or lifestyle changes.

Breast lumps can have various causes, including hormonal changes, infections, and cysts.